Location: Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

ABOUT US; Well not exactly... We don’t really think in terms of “about us” ... It’s about how we live our live with in our environment in relation to the world around us. It’s about Friends, Family and all the people we meet. It’s about trying to creating a positive influence in all that we do. It’s about not taking more from nature & each other than what is needed & giving back more than we receive! Its about trying to live a simpler, as stress free and healthy life as possible. Most of all, it’s about balance in all things. We are not old, yet we are not young. We have already lived a full life but have a whole lifetime yet to live. We have learned & experienced many things, yet there is always more out there to explore! Other websites

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cold, Slopy Weather

Todays weather is crazy! Switching back & forth from rain to snow. Most of the snow that was already on the ground is still frozen, but the rain/snow that is falling now is not freezing (yet) so it is extremely slick! By 4 or 5 this evening the whole thing will freeze again and unless we get some real snow tonight, tomorrow is going to be a real mess! This is bad for me because I have an appointment to get my studded tires on.

These pictures were taken just after sunrise on October 25th after the first real snowfall of this season. It didn't get quite cold enough to freeze the lake yet, but in spite of all the slush we have right now, the lake is frozen now.

I have been worried about the turkeys with the temperature dropping down to the high teens, surprisingly they don't seem to be to effected by the cold. The young toms are starting to be more confident and are strutting (and gobbling) more all the time! Hopefully I can get some good pics soon! Oh, also, good news! Looks like they are finally making their way back to the barn! That is a real good thing because it is heated.

You might want to think twice before calling someone a "turkey", they are alot smarter than you think!!


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