Location: Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

ABOUT US; Well not exactly... We don’t really think in terms of “about us” ... It’s about how we live our live with in our environment in relation to the world around us. It’s about Friends, Family and all the people we meet. It’s about trying to creating a positive influence in all that we do. It’s about not taking more from nature & each other than what is needed & giving back more than we receive! Its about trying to live a simpler, as stress free and healthy life as possible. Most of all, it’s about balance in all things. We are not old, yet we are not young. We have already lived a full life but have a whole lifetime yet to live. We have learned & experienced many things, yet there is always more out there to explore! Other websites

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Lori's New Toy

These are not the best pictures, I just brought it home last night and this morning it was foggy & rainy. Not a good day to have the vacuum out or to take good photos. It isn't a truck or a van, but it's in good shape (except for the front fenders) and runs better than anything I've had in a long time, so considering the rest of the car I can put up with a little rust for now. It's a 94 Bravodo AWD with ALL the bells and whistles! AND so far as I can tell, everything works!

I think I will start with the only thing I really DON'T like about the car, the spare tire thingy! As you can see it takes up most of the back window! I almost didn't get it because of this feature, BUT the good news is that I can take the tire off and store it in the back. An inconvenience but do-able. Visibility other wise is good. It sits a little lower than I like but I will get use to it and it will be ok.

OK now for the cool stuff ;o)

This thing has so many gizmo's & gadgets, it will take a long time to get them all figured out! Most of you probably already know what all this stuff is but it's all new to me! One of these little box thingy's is a remote start! I can actually start the car from INSIDE the house!! Not a bad thing to have when it's -40 outside and you don't have a garage!

The other box is your standard alarm/door lock thingy. I think it unlocks the rear window too.

Like I said these are not the best pictures but this shows the condition of the inside. The seats are real leather and EVERYTHING is electric! (no CD player :o/ It also shows the inside & outside temperature on a counsel above the rear view mirror. The drivers counsel is all electronic It has cruse control & fog lights. And all kinds of little cubby holes to put/store things.

The rear seat folds down, this will be it's standard position while I'm driving. I will have to find something to cover the carpet with though, as you can see it's a light color and between the livestock feed, fishing and hunting equipment, kayaks and stuff, oh and the
spare tire, it's likely to get messy!

All in all it's a pretty cool car and I will be content with it for some time ;o)


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